Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Zoom app marketplace permissions.App Marketplace

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Zoom app marketplace permissions 



  An example of a user-added app could be a scheduler which allows a user to create meetings on an outside platform. This scope allows an app to view a user's TSP account information. This amrketplace performing actions such as scheduling and updating meetings, g meetings, and updating live streaming options. At least one image or zoom app marketplace permissions is required in preview content. ❿  

Zoom app marketplace permissions


To do so, navigate to the app in the Marketplace and click Request pre-approve on the app description page. If the request is approved by the admin and the user has all required Scopes for the app, a user can now install the app. Admins can manage pre-approval requests made by users by navigating to App Requests in the My Admin Dashboard. Admins with Marketplace:Edit permissions can pre-approve or reject the requests.

Admins can also view which users made requests through the Requests dropdown. To implement this control, an admin must follow the steps listed below:. Apps which have been created by Zoom or by members of the admins account can be excluded from requiring pre-approval. This can be set for both publicly available and development-stage apps. Apps which are not publicly available on the Marketplace can also be set to require pre-approval. This enables admins to control whether an app can be installed without pre-approval while in development using development credentials.

Note: If pre-approval is required, users will not be able to install development apps for testing. As an admin, you also have access to enable or turn off email notifications about app pre-approval requests.

You can select up to five admins with Marketplace:Edit permission as recipients for the email notifications. Any of these admins can then accept or reject the pre-approval of the app. If you enable this option but do not add any recipients, the Zoom App Marketplace will automatically identify admins with the correct permissions and email them the notifications. If an admin has pre-approved an app, it can be disabled by navigating to that app in the Marketplace and switching off the Pre-approve setting when needed.

Note: this will disable the app from all users in your account and should only be done if necessary. If a user is unable to install an app from the Marketplace, the user can view which missing permissions need to be granted before the app can be installed.

Some apps may only be installed for users by account admins. These apps will show a Request to Install button available for users to send app installation requests to admins. Admins can view the app installation requests in the My Admin Dashboard and navigating to Request to Install.

This includes accessing information related to messages, such as the date and time of when it was sent and the sender's email address. Only users who are assigned a role that includes the View permission for chat messages can add and use apps that request this scope. Users who do not have this permission cannot add any apps that request this scope. This scope allows an app to send chat messages, as well as update and delete a user's previously-sent messages.

This scope allows an app to send chat messages, as well as update and delete previously-sent messages for an account's users. Only users who are assigned a role that includes the Edit permission for chat messages can add and use apps that request this scope. This scope allows an app to view chat session information and user messages from a specific date. This scope allows an app to view all users' chat session details and messages.

This scope allows an app to send chat messages, as well as update and delete previously-sent messages for a user. This scope allows an app to view and manage chat channel information and perform actions on user's behalf. This includes creating or updating channels, inviting or removing channels members, and removing a channel.

This scope allows an app to view information about the chat channels joined by an account's users. Only users who are assigned a role that includes the View permission for chat channels can add and use apps that request this scope.

This scope allows an app to view and manage information for chat channels joined by an account's users, as well as perform actions on a user's behalf. Only users who are assigned a role that includes the Edit permission for chat channels can add and use apps that request this scope.

The following are the available Chatbot scopes and their associated API calls:. This scope allows a chatbot to interact with users by sending messages to users, editing the sent messages, and deleting the sent messages. The following are the available Contacts scopes and their associated API calls:. This scope allows an app to search for users in a Zoom account's company contacts.

This scope allows an app to retrieve a user's chat contacts information. The following are the available Dashboard scopes and their associated API calls:. This scope allows an app to view an account's Meeting Dashboard data. This includes meeting and meeting participant metrics, the meeting's quality score, and the quality of service provided to the participants during meetings. This scope allows an app to view an account's Webinar Dashboard data. This includes webinar and webinar participant metrics, as well as the quality of service provided to the webinar's participants.

This scope allows an app to view an account's Zoom Rooms Dashboard data, such as Zoom Room information and issues. This scope allows an app to view the Dashboard client satisfaction metrics for Zoom meetings and webinars. This scope allows an app to view the Zoom Chat Dashboard metrics for the usage of the Zoom Chat client by an account's users. This scope allows an app to an account's H.

This includes information such as the device name, ID, protocol, and encryption options. This scope allows an app to manage an account's H. The following are the available Group scopes and their associated API calls:.

This scope allows an app to perform actions on behalf of a group administrator. This include managing group members and settings, updating a group name, or deleting groups. This scope allows an app to perform actions on behalf of an IM group administrator, such as viewing IM group and member details in a Zoom account. This scope allows an app to perform actions on behalf of an IM group administrator.

The following are the available Meeting scopes and their associated API calls:. This scope allows an app to view a user's meeting information. This includes meeting reports, participants, polls, and registrant information.

This scope allows an app to view the meeting information for all users in the Zoom account. This includes meeting reports, participants, polls, and registrants. This scope allows an app to view and manage user's meetings. This includes performing actions such as scheduling and updating meetings, g meetings, and updating live streaming options.

This scope allows an app to view and manage meeting information of all the users that are in the Zoom account. This includes performing actions such as scheduling and updating meetings, deleting meetings, and updating live streaming options.

This scope allows an app to manage meeting information for a Master account's sub accounts. This scope allows an app to view a user's local recording meeting token information. This scope allows an app to view an account's users' local recording meeting token information. This scope allows an app to view PAC details for all users in an account. This includes dedicated and global dial-in numbers, conference IDs, and passwords used to join a conference.

This scope allows an app to view and manage the PAC information for all users in an account. This scope allows an app to view and manage PAC information for all sub accounts associated with a Master account.

The following are the available Phone scopes and associated API:. This scope allows an app to view details about a user's Zoom Phone. This includes phone numbers associated with the user, the user's Zoom Phone profile details and calling plans, site details, voicemails, and recordings of the user's phone calls. This scope allows an app to view Zoom Phone details for all users in an account.

This includes phone numbers associated with users, users' Zoom Phone profiles and calling plans, site details, voicemails, and recordings of users' phone calls. Back to scopes list or phone scopes. This scope allows an app with access to Zoom Phone management permissions and the app can perform actions such as updating users' Zoom Phone settings, Zoom Phone profile that includes information related to calling plans enabled for the user, email address of the user, and site details, adding and removing user phone numbers, managing auto-receptionist configurations, blocked lists, call queues, devices, common area phones, and phone sites.

The following are the available Cloud recording and Archiving scopes and their associated API calls:. This scope allows an app to view a user's meeting or webinar recordings. This scope allows an app to view all users' meeting or webinar recordings. This scope allows an app to view and manage a user's meeting or webinar recordings.

This scope allows an app to view and manage all users' meeting or webinar recordings. The following are the available Report scopes and their associated API calls:. This scope allows an app to view an account's meeting and webinar statistics via usage, user activity, meeting, and webinar reports. This scope allows an app to view a Master account's sub accounts' meeting and webinar statistics via usage, user activity, meeting, and webinar reports.

The following are the available Role scopes and their associated API calls:. This scope allows an app to view an account's role details and assigned member information.

This scope allows an app to perform actions on behalf of an administrator.



Zoom app marketplace permissions

    › en-us › articles › Managing-the-Zoom-. In the top-right corner of the Marketplace, click Manage. · In the My Admin Dashboard section, click Permissions. · Click the Require publicly. App Administration and Permissions. User-level apps can be installed by any individual user on a Zoom account. The Zoom Marketplace helps you find apps that can integrate with Zoom to enhance In the ADMIN APP MANAGEMENT section, click Permissions. When users on an account are given shared access to other user information, such as having scheduling privilege or being. ❿

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